Cybersecurity and Compliance

Security and Compliance

Cybersecurity Compliance Services in Westminster, CO | BlueKey IT

Cybersecurity Compliance Services in the Westminster, CO area

At Blue Key IT, we know how important it is to keep your business safe from online threats. Our Cybersecurity Compliance Services in Westminster, CO, help local businesses meet the strict security standards required to protect sensitive information. Whether you’re running a small business or a large company, our expert team ensures your systems are secure and compliant with the latest regulations. We also offer comprehensive Cybersecurity Services to protect your data from hackers and cyber-attacks. With Blue Key IT, you can have peace of mind knowing that your business is protected in the digital world.

Cybersecurity and Compliance are of the utmost importance to businesses. BlueKey IT provides security measures for each of its clients. Each monthly agreement includes proactive support and education to prevent data breaches and downtime. It also provides disaster recovery in case the worst should happen. Tools to comply with compliance standards (HIPAA, PCI) are also part of each monthly support agreement.

Compliance Services

If businesses manage patient or financial records, HIPAA, PCI and SOC 2 compliance guides their business and privacy standards. Not only is it important to follow the guidelines to protect patient and customer records, it is also the law. Each infringement of HIPAA standards can mean a $10,000 fine. BlueKey offers backups with each of its monthly agreements to backup at least 7 years of data. TeamBlue also offers IT consulting to increase security for the privacy of patient and financial data. This can include email and interoffice communication measures, computer and server security and more depending on the business’ needs. BlueKey offers IT consulting to work with company leadership to come up with a security and compliance plan that fits its needs.

Government and Corporate Compliance

Some businesses need to take their security to the next level to work with government and corporate entities. BlueKey IT offers vCISO (virtual Chief Information Security Officer) services to comply with CMMC and NIST compliance requirements. We guide you through the compliance process to get CMMC or NIST compliant. Then BlueKey IT facilitate maintaining the certification. During the process your dedicated vCISO will be a lead resource for information and expert support while building a security wise culture for your team. This support for your business supports efficiency while reaching CMMC and NIST compliance.
Cyber Security and Physical Data Security


Proactive Security

Preventing security breaches keeps employees working and prevents downtime on the network. Downtime costs the company money in payroll and loss of revenue. BlueKey IT works hard to keep the network working efficiently so daily work can continue.

24/7 Monitoring

24/7 monitoring is included with every monthly service agreement. It checks the health of the machines on the network so they keep working well. It also automatically installs operating system updates with security patches to keep the computer safe from the latest threats. Anti-Virus protection is also pushed out and updated through the monitoring software.

Anti-Virus Protection

Anti-Virus protection is included with each monthly service agreement as well. Anti-virus software increases security by blocking many different types of threats from infecting a computer, server or network. Some are less threatening to a system and just populate advertisements. Others can be catastrophic like ransomware. TeamBlue uses a type of anti-virus that looks for ransomware patterns to stop it before it goes too far in the system. Stopping all types of viruses from the network keeps systems working and avoids costly downtime.

Multifactor Authentication

BlueKey IT recommends implementing multifactor authentication whenever possible. This extra layer of security prevents breaches by requiring account owners to identify themselves in two different ways. This is usually a password or pin combined with a text message or app verification. It can also be facial recognition or fingerprint identification.
Multifactor definitely works. For example, a client called one of our technicians to ask for support. He said he kept getting text messages from Microsoft with verification codes. It was so repetitive that he thought there might be a glitch in the system. When he called, we discovered that a hacker had figured out his password and was trying to infiltrate his account! Each verification code was an additional attempt to access his account. Multifactor authentication had saved his account from getting hacked!

Managed EDR

BlueKey IT provides Managed Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) for each of its clients to take security for computers and servers to the next level. EDR hunts for threats across your environment with the assistance of a human led team 24/7/365. It doesn’t just look for known malware instead it sets traps for threats to catch new attackers. Then the human SOC goes beyond AI to stop the threat, identify and remediate it, and then find the source of entry.

Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

All too often “the bad guys” are finding their way into business through email accounts where they take over the accounts. BlueKey IT uses Managed Detection and Response (MDR) for Microsoft 365 to defend against threats to your company and its clients and contacts. It doesn’t wait for notifications to get to the right person to fix the issue. The threat is stopped in its tracks by a human led Security Operations Center (SOC).

Vulnerability Scanning and Penetration Testing

In addition to EDR and MDR, BlueKey IT provides Vulnerability Scanning. These scans provide information about what weaknesses are present in the network so they can be resolved. Penetration testing is another way to find weaknesses in the network. In this scenario, our cybersecurity experts attempt to find and break through vulnerabilities in the network to prevent “the bad guys” from finding the weaknesses and getting access to secure data.

Physical Security

BlueKey IT also recommends physical security barriers to proactively prevent security breaches. TeamBlue can install security cameras and recommends access codes or locks for entrances and server rooms. Only allowing those who have appropriate access to certain spaces within an office can prevent security breaches. No one wants a server to walk away with an intruder!
Protected and managed domain access is also very important. This way employees are limited to certain rights depending on their position. It also allows BlueKey to manage who has access to the network. Limiting access to the network while allowing access to the software and files needed to work allows an office to work smoothly without unnecessary threats to the system.

Cybersecurity Employee Education

Another proactive strategy BlueKey provides its clients is employee cybersecurity education. 60% of security breaches are due to employee errors. BlueKey IT offers security presentations to teach employees about password complexity, phishing emails, viruses, physical security threats and more. With frequent education, employees are less likely to give out important security information or accidently allow access to data through a phishing email.

Data Backups

Data Backups are important for security and compliance. Proactively backing up data allows for a safety net in case an issue occurs. Without data backups, there are much fewer options if crisis hits an office. Backups not only prevent loss of data but also prevent loss of network configuration, Active Directory computer logins, software and operating systems. A total rebuild of a network can take weeks. With system backups downtime and financial losses can be minimized.

Email Services

Using email services like Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace also provides security for businesses. These services offer spam filtering as part of their service to avoid accidental password discovery or account threats. It also allows for admin management for new and old employees, multifactor authentication and device management. Each of these tools assists companies with security. BlueKey manages these services for clients to save staff time and increase security measures.

Helpdesk Support

Companies will not always be able to avoid security threats. Hackers are really good at creating phishing emails that look legitimate and can fool even the most savvy computer user. BlueKey’s Helpdesk is here to support companies when hackers get through to their computers. TeamBlue can easily take care of adware or minor viruses or stop suspicious behavior on a computer if it is discovered quickly.

Disaster Recovery

Sometimes disasters happen. Physical threats like flooding, fires and storms can destroy electrical equipment. Equipment can be stolen or catastrophic threats can get through even the best of proactive measures. Although BlueKey hopes this never happens, it has disaster recovery ready for your office. TeamBlue can recover data, rebuild servers and computers and uses the best tools available for disaster recovery to minimize downtime.

BlueKey’s Security and Compliance Strategies

BlueKey IT uses many proactive security tools to avoid security breaches and keep offices compliant with CMMC, NIST, HIPAA and PCI compliance standards. IT consulting provided by a dedicated vCISO brings up to date security resources to your fingertips. TeamBlue also has incredible disaster recovery techniques if crisis occurs. Want to see how BlueKey can enhance security and compliance at your office? Contact us today for a free Network Assessment!